Up for sale is an excellent di box by On Stage... Ensures your signal quality no matter how long the cable run. On-Stage's DB1100 Active DI Box converts any high-impedance 1/4 source to a low-impedance XLR signal ready to send via a long cable run to a mixer or PA system. Features include a merge option that enables two discrete inputs to be output as a summed-mono signal, a throughput connector to pass unaltered signal to a stage amp, a -15dB pad switch to prevent clipping, low-cut switch to reduce rumble, polarity switch for blending with a mic signal or interfacing with nonstandard equipment and a ground-lift switch to defeat ground-loop hum. Its heavy-duty metal enclosure protects the internal components and ensures reliable performance.
Transforms a high-impedance source into a low-impedance (XLR) signal able to be sent to a mixing board or recording console at longer distances. Its active design includes isolated inputs as well as a 15dB pad switch, ground lift switch, low cut switch and polarity switch. Merge function allows a L/R stereo signal to be input through the In/Thru jacks for outputting a summed mono signal.
Great with any device or instrument, especially keyboards. Order the DB1100 today for your setup. " data-truncate-truncated-text=" On-Stage's DB1100 Active DI Box converts any high-impedance 1/4 source to a low-impedance XLR signal ready to send via a long cable run to a mixer or PA system. Features include a merge option that.
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This Di Box is BRAND NEW with original packaging. It has only been taken out of the box to have pictures taken. So you have actual pics of the item, unlike with the big box stores!
Instead, patronize the lifeline of our economy... Order the DB1100 today for your setup!